09 Jun

I read this article from Unyte https://www.facebook.com/share/eCemdjXwMn39wox5/?mibextid=WC7FNe with much interest.

It makes so much sense that SSP may be particularly likely to help in situations such as “medically unexplained symptoms” (MUS). 

One thing we know about people who have early complex developmental trauma is that they tend to present with a “syndromal” pattern of healing. 

This often involves symptoms presenting in atypical patterns, and multiple conditions being present at once - frequently in a confusing way that defies diagnosis. 

One of the wonderful things about Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP) is that we don’t need to have any particular diagnoses first in order to proceed, AND a variety of symptoms across extremely diverse areas may potentially improve with SSP.  

What SSP targets is overall nervous system dysregulation generally and quite often, trauma physiology specifically. 

It’s not possible to heal from either physical or mental health related concerns without first feeling safe or at least “safe enough”. 

SSP helps to shift trauma physiology in a way that is relatively effortless - through listening to 5 hours of specially filtered music that sends “cues of safety” to the nervous system and stimulates the vagus nerve. 

What I especially love is that highly sensitive people with the most severe concerns in my experience have the absolutely most dramatic improvements of all with SSP. 

Imagine getting to see the absolute look of wonder on your client’s face when they notice their physiology responding to SSP music - sometimes immediately. 

Although it can take up to seven weeks after completion of listening to all five hours of SSP Core for all of the changes to occur -  my SSP clients very often notice an obvious and vivid nervous system response, fairly immediately. 

Sometimes improvements are noticed with the very first SSP listening session, whether it is 15 minutes long or 15 seconds long.    😊😎❤️

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